Sterling Farms Men’s Club – Meeting Minutes
Date: March 14, 2023
Attendees: Joe McHugh, Howard Kraus, John McGroarty, Dave Persaud, Jack McGroarty, Bob Fogel, Joe Sargis, Chris Terzian, Greg Collins, Mitchell Schepps, Tristan Chang, Bill Ward, Bart Weissman, Justin Beal, Matt Stendardi, Jonathan Arist, Seizo Mazer,
Meeting Start: 7:03 pm
Meeting End: 8:17 pm
- State of Club
- Financials
- Briefly reviewed club finances
- Membership
- A number of new members signed up so far this year. Howard Kraus following up with all new members
- Sponsors
- Park Ford, Port Chester Beer Distributors, Rubino Bros., Active Dog, and Coromandel confirmed as sponsors for 2023 with Sentinel Maintenance continue to sponsor Player of the Year.
- Board of Governors openings
- Jack McGroarty joining for his first meeting.
- Mike LaFeve removed himself due to time commitment. Joe Paladino selected to potentially replace.
- Financials
- Upcoming Season
- Winter Rules
- Local Rules (i.e. Bunkers)
- Local rule regarding bunkers (lift and place; no closer to hole) to continue through 2023 season
- April Events
- Rules Seminar
- Being held at Curtain Call theater on April 16
- Email to be sent out to remind members about the rules seminar.
- Opening Event
- In order to speed up play, we will ask Board Members to spot balls in problem spots or ask to hire 2-4 additional rangers for major events to help speed up play.
- Ask golf course / Starter’s Office to give verbal warning to all groups at start of play.
- Reinforce that pace of play policy will be 2 warnings followed by a 2-stroke penalty
- Governor’s Cup
- Rules Seminar
- By Laws
- Change senior membership from 62 years to 65 years
- Article 3, Section 2 – Board of Governors are eligible to state their case for missed meetings leading to a potential removal from board.
- Listing out committees to be accurate with current committees
- Elections for new governors to take place after the end of the season.
- Annual Letter from the President to replace meetings with membership.
- Adding annual state filing to Secretary’s responsibilities.
- Community Service / First Tee
- Need to discuss the logistics for gathering clubs for First Tee program with golf course management
- Communication Committee updates on Website & Rules Videos
- Website migration
- Dave to provide update at next meeting with new hosting costs and plan to migrate to new site / host.
- Rules Videos
- Communications committee to shoot and post videos as soon as weather allows.
- Website migration
- Membership Committee
- 21 new members so far
- Howard Kraus proposed making more use of the board outside of the Pro Shop
- Meet the Board section
- Membership committee will get together with the Communications committee to plan out the content going up on the board
- April Meeting
- Proposed meeting to April 18, 2023.
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