April 2014 Minutes

Sterling Farm Men’s Club – April 8, 2014 – 7:35pm

In Attendance – Jeff Mayfield, Joe Sargis, Stuart Bufferd, Frank Rubino, Mitchell Schepps, Bob Morris, Pete Silver, Howard Kraus, John McGroarty, JR, Marc Schultz, Tom Aberle & Jimmy Romaniello.
Absent – Steve Carriero, Chris Velander, Billy Lombardo, Bart Weissman & Steve Scorziello.

Jeff Mayfield reported that as of April 8, 2014 there are 230 paid members. We are always looking for new members so talk to friends and neighbors to promote the Men’s Club at Sterling Farms.

Board approved idea to begin on-line tournament sign-ups beginning with the Member-Member in June.  JR to begin developing the website to affect this change

Board approved to hold 50/50 Raffles on a Par 3 hole for Opening, Member/Member, Member/Guest & Closing tournaments. As usual John McGroarty will be in charge of selling raffle tickets and this year, Tom Aberle, has now joined John in assisting with the sales.

Howard Kraus has scheduled a New Member get together to be held May 22nd at 7pm at the Players Club. New members should come out to meet fellow newbies.

The Board has been advised that Mike Zody of Zody’s 19th Hole will be catering our Opening Event in a couple of weeks.

John McGroarty was kind enough to attend the MGA Handicap Seminar that was held recently. Thank you John for giving of your time. He said that the MGA stresses the fact that when playing in events other than the weekly events, your scores should be posted with a “T” for Tournament play.

Mitchell Schepps and the Board Members have come up with a revised Player of the Year points system. We decided to eliminate points for participation in the weekly events and place more value for finishing 1st through 5th. There will still be participation points for the major events. The following is the new point structure.

Weekend Events
NO Participation Points
50 Points
2nd 40 Points
3rd 30 Points
4th 20 Points
5th 10 Points

Major Events – Governor’s, Club Championship, Pres & VP Cup, Member/Member & Member/Guest
30 Points for participation
1st 150 Points
2nd 100 Points
3rd 80 Points
4th 70 Points
5th 60 Points

Minor Events – Opening & Closing Events
20 Points for participation

1st 125 Points
2nd 80 Points
3rd 70 Points
4th 60 Points
5th 50 Points

There will also be 20 points for attempting to qualify for Interclub & Shoreline team. There will be a 50 point bonus for anyone qualifying for the Interclub and/or Shoreline teams.

No longer will Player of the Year be flighted. The top 8 point earners will play at the close of the season for prizes.

Meeting was adjourned at 8:35pm

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2015 First Annual Rules Seminar

On Tuesday, August 11, the Sterling Farms Men’s Club held it’s first annual rules seminar. Hosted by our rules guru, and rules chairman, Howie Meditz, a ...