2016 Member-Guest Results

Matt Rende/Rich Inzitari…67
Jason Denker/Bobby Frahm…68
Eric Bleile/Chad Weissman…68
Marc Schultz/Kevin Lauretti….69
Ralph Vitti/Mark Romano….70

Robert Whetsell/Steve Velardi…63
Jamie Russo/Nick Handrinos…63
Chad Himel/Jason Jenkins…63
Tom Aberle/John Bannon….64
Jonathan Speir/Steve Chwaliszenski….65
Ed Lyman/Tom Birkett….65
Mike Carriero/Chris Antonacci….65

Long Drive
M: Mike Troy
G: Randy Rolfe

Closest to the Line
M: Jason Denker
G: Kevin Lauretti

Closest to Pin #5
M: Mitch Schepps
G: Tom Birkett

Closest to Pin #8
M: Ralph Vitti
G: Ben Hartmann

Closest to Pin #17
M: Jason Denker
G: Kyle Naylor

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