Let The Divots Fly!
Sign Up For The Sterling Farms Men’s Club Now!
We had a great year in 2015 and anticipate an even stronger year in 2016! Stronger means more participation, more prize money, and more fun for everybody!
As always, our goal is to provide fair, honest competition to all of our members, no matter what their handicap level. We offer nearly thirty weekend events and ten major or mini-major tournaments. Take a look at all the benefits that your membership to SFMC entitles you to:
–Handicap and GHIN #
–Access to over $18,000 in prizes
–The Sentinel Maintenance Player of the Year competition, with huge year-end prizes
–Member-Member and Member-Guest Tournaments
–President’s Cup and Vice President’s Cup
–Governor’s Cup
–Club Championship
–Season Opening and Closing Tournaments
–Interclub (Sterling v Hubbard) and Shoreline (Sterling v other area courses)
–Access to CSGA, MGA & WGA events
–Free Subscription to Golf Digest
–And much more
This year, we’re adding a few new wrinkles. First of all, we’re offering $50 Player of the Month prizes! Yup, every month someone will win an extra 50 bucks. The guy who accumulates the most POY points in any given month–April, May, June, July, August, September–will win the monthly prize. These prizes are in addition to the yearlong POY prizes, so you’ve got nothing to lose. And remember, Marc Schultz and his team at Sentinel Maintenance sponsor all Player of the Year events, so please give Marc a handshake when you see him.
We’re also tweaking our repertoire of weekend events this year by offering a Stableford, which encourages a go-for-it-attitude; an Alternate Shot, for all you masochists out there; and a Stroke Play From The Tips, for you young guys who can still launch it.
Further, in order to help guys make new friends and broaden their network of golf buddies, we’re putting a special effort into social media this year. We hope to get a Twitter conversation started using #sterlingfarmsmc. Please give this hashtag a try. We think it could be your gateway to a lot of fun, whether you’re new to the area or simply need a new group of knuckleheads to beat it around with.
Also on the social media front, don’t forget our Facebook page. It doesn’t get much action, but if you want to try it out, it’s there. Type in Sterling Farms Men’s Club Facebook and you’ll find it.
On the competition front, we revised and expanded our Local Rules over the winter, so we ask you to go to sfmensclub.com and bone up on all the modifications. We think that these new adjustments will clarify a few issues unique to Sterling Farms and help make play fairer for everyone.
Finally, we’re not raising rates again this year because we want to encourage players to join the club and participate in as many events as possible. We offer a lot of golf to our members. Please take advantage of it!
Spring is here. Sign up now at sfmensclub.com. We hope to see you soon,
Jeff Mayfield
President, Sterling Farm Men’s Club