May 13, 2014
Sterling Farms Men’s Club Meeting – 7:00 pm
In Attendance; Jeff Mayfield, Steve Carriero, Joe Sargis, Stuart Bufferd, Frank Rubino, Mitchell Schepps, Bob Morris, Pete Silver, Howard Kraus, John McGroarty, Marc Schultz & Billy Lombardo
Absent; JR, Bart Weissman, Tom Aberle, Jimmy Romaniello & Steve Scorizello
Jeff Mayfield:
Due to time constraints, Chris Verlander has resigned from the Board of Governors.
Board discussion about combining closing event with the Men’s Club of Hubbard. The measure was voted and defeated.
Discussion about changing the Senior Membership age to 62 to match what the age requirement at Sterling Farms. At this time the group decided to leave the Senior Membership at 65 years young.
Group decided that due to the course conditions, Winter Rules would remain in effect until May 29th. Summer Rules would go into effect on May 30th.
Board discussed and will suggest to move the red hazard line on the 11th Hole to the other side of the cart path to match the hazard line on 13.
Billy Lombardo
Suggested to the Board that the Player of the Year points for participating in the Member/Member and the Member/Guest be increased to 50 points each to encourage more member participation. A motion was made and passed to increase these 2 events. The POY point system will be revisited in the off-season.
Howard Kraus
Reminder that the New Members Meet & Greet will be held on Thursday, May 22nd at 7pm in The Players Club.
Joe Sargis
As of May 10th there were 309 paid up members and there were 84 participants in our Opening Event.
Bob Morris
Suggested that the payouts for tournament results be included in the emails.
Meeting was adjourned at 8pm.