July 2014 Minutes

July 15, 2014Sterling Farms Men’s Club Meeting – 7:30 pm…Held on Zody’s patio

In Attendance; Jeff Mayfield, Steve Carriero, Joe Sargis, Frank Rubino, Pete Silver, Howard Kraus, John McGroarty, JR, Marc Schultz, Billy Lombardo, Bart Weissman, Tom Aberle, Jimmy Romaniello & Howie Meditz

Absent; Stuart Buffered, Mitchell Schepps, Bob Morris, Steve Scorziello

Issues discussed

Howie Meditz was voted in a as full Board member. Congratulations.

Membership currently stands at 333 members.

Review of M-M. We had 118 players, compared to 92 last year, and broke even financially, compared to a huge loss last year. Only problem: length of time required to score event. As a result, the Board voted to reduce the number of places paid in future events. For the upcoming M-G, we will pay 5 Gross and 5 Net Prizes. We will also increase the value of those prizes commensurate with the money saved on reduced places.

Jeff requests that all board members do their best to play in the M-G. We need to set a strong example if we want a good turnout.

Jimmy Romaniello has volunteered to host the annual August B-B-Q. It will be held on August 12. Thank you Jimmy.

Discussion of Interclub Captain’s Pick. After long debate it was agreed to leave it as is.

Discussion of Interclub-type event with the Griff. Little interest shown. Apparently, the Griff has floated this idea before and then backed out.

Jeff to send out email telling whoever spits sunflower seeds onto the greens to knock it off.

Drop zone on #11. Voted and approved to give players option to choose the drop zone at approximately the 180 mark or take their chances with a drop on the side of the moguls. Naturally, the choice must be made before the actual drop.

In a related issue, Howie mentioned the option of a drop stake, instead of a drop zone. This stake could then be moved around to prevent turf wear. Players would be required to drop within 2 or so club lengths of the stake. Strong interest shown in this idea.

Howie also mentioned line on golf cards that states 2 club-length drop from all buildings on the course. This seems to be a mistake, since relief from immovable obstructions is 1 club-length. Jeff to investigate.

Cup liner issue discussed. No conclusive action to be taken at this point.

Drop zone on #4 discussed. No conclusive action to be taken at this point.

Time to update plaques. Jeff to assign a plaque-czar.


Meeting adjourned at 8:35pm





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